The Apollo cluster is dedicated for you to have a modern yet tropical designed home. In which, you are indulged in the luxury of nature’s embrace.
The Apollo is located beside the Cisadane river, providing also communal and commercial facilities for support.
Estimasi Angsuran KPR/KPA Mulai Dari
Rp 5 Jt/Bln
DP: Mulai dari 5% (Estimasi)
Biaya Lainnya
Biaya Akad : Mulai dari Rp100 Jt (estimasi)*
*belum termasuk biaya notaris
Fasilitas berbeda tiap unit
Kolam Renang
Jogging Track
24 Hour Security
Access Gate
Jl. Kw. Puspitek No.56, Suradita, Kec. Cisauk, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15343
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